
You and me are travellers
On a journey to a place
We’ve never been before
Some of us find this a pleasant trip
Others walk on a long and winding road
Some prefer to come back to the places that
they have already been to
Some prefer to run after a moving train
Some tend to complain
Even though they sit in the 1st class and
did not buy the tickets themselves

Some feel alone and scared
Some are happy and contained
Sometimes we appreciate
the fact that being able to embark on a journey is a gift
That experiencing this is a choice
we can influence
Some people drop out of the 1st class
So others can enter
Some expect another person to choose their itinerary
Or just go with the flow
This journey of mine,
I think I have tried all different ways to travel
And I still do not know where I am going to
I have lost some fellow-travellers on the way
And made bonds with new ones.
I realise that I complain too much:
My journey is full of wonders
which I often overlook
My advice to myself is to carry on
But more caringly, more lovingly, more respectfully.
And see where this takes me.
Not the other way round.
