A reminder to keep the inner child

I had the most inspiring yogamassage training for advanced stretches in the end of May. Very few other massage styles can meet up to this genial way of warming up the muscle and connective tissue and combining stretching and breathing. I know that it is effective from my personal experience but also from working with clients with various health issues. I know that yogamassage is powerful because you can get an overdose of it if. You can be administrated too many strong stretches at the same treatment session which can trigger an emotional or physical outburst. What exactly it is like depends from client to client. All I am saying is that it is a powerful tool which has to be applied carefully. This is why, during the training, we try it all first on ourselves. And even though this is a technique which mainly works with the physical body, you immediately experience the miraculous connection of body and mind. Because when you stretch the body, the mind will also get s stretch.

During the training and after many stretches for opening the chest area, I got a sudden urge to express myself. In words. And I wrote a poem which, as it seems, is a reminder to keep my inner child. I devote this to all children who have never grown up. If you are one of them, you know what I mean😉

I sometimes miss being a child
looking at the day without planning ahead
looking at people without questioning their motives
looking at situations without an insight – I’ve seen it before
Experiencing a feeling and remembering that I have felt this before
but with an intensity unmeasurable to the present one

I sometimes miss being a child
knowing that all my life is ahead of me
that I can start over as many times as I like
knowing that I can make mistakes
and they are not called a failure
knowing that there is so much to learn
that I would never be able to fill my cup until it’s full

I sometimes miss being a child
crying because it hurts
being sad without knowing why
being bored and yet not distracted
being happy without any reason, without asking why

I sometimes miss being a child
looking at the sky and imagining that clouds are like white pillows
that you can jump on
looking at somebody’s home and wondering what it is like from inside
looking at a road and wondering where it leads to
and feeling the urge to discover what’s there

I sometimes miss being a child
although I know there’s no way back
The good things I can bear with me
the bad things I might just as well throw away
or ignore
like a child who is able to see the bright side
in every moment
in every person
before growing up

I sometimes miss being a child
