Everything is connected

Photo by Kairi Ilison

Everything is connected:
You and me
Heaven and earth
Rain and draught
Trees, birds and insects
Water, air and rocks
A panting panther chasing after an antelope to feed her cubs
An airplane taking holidaymakers to their dream destination
A landowner igniting fire in the next deforested piece of Amazon
A cat hunting a numbat in the bushes near the Great Ocean Road
The flap of the wings of a swan flying south for the winter
A dried-up pond in the countryside where wild animals used to come to clench their thirst
An underpaid worker in Bangladesh sewing clothes to wealthy consumers abroad
A dam that broke after a torrent
A cute baby smiling at her mother
A hungry polar bear storming a village in Svalbard
A busy bee pollenating a cornfield
A rich Arabian sheikh buying another luxury house in London
A high homeless roaming in the streets of Stockholm in search for a shelter and next dose
A motivational speech by a paralympic gold medalist without limbs
A doctor who needs to break the news to a terminally ill patient
A sunblessed butterfly feeding on blossoming honeysuckle
An ambitious musician playing her violin until the strings snap
A self-driving car on its way to deliver another take-away
A frightened fox wandering in Central Park
A sinner begging for forgiveness in Notre Dame Cathedral
A lover squeezing gently the hand of the beloved
A formal kiss at a wedding of two strangers who were arranged to be married by their parents before they were even born
A long and winding road leading to a dead-end
A rocket shooting past space debris in the thermosphere to fly to the Moon
A lonely pilgrim on his way back home
You and me
Like a vast and invisible spiderweb holding the universe together
Me and you
Like indiscernible pulsations of billions of hearts in a constant flow of chain reactions
Everything is connected
