Have you ever

Have you ever felt that in the stillness of the outside world, there is your own sense of peace and happiness which fills the air, the earth and the water within you with joy?
Have you ever felt that this moment is all there is to be awakened into a beautiful future which you can carve only with the tools available right now. At this moment.
By not asking any questions you are closer to the answers than ever. By just letting it go, you are where you always have wanted to be.
Have you ever wondered why those moments of completeness are so few, why we tend to limit our boundless possibilities by neophobia?
Perhaps our biological journey has not yet equipped us with the wisdom of acceptance. Evolution has rendered us too reckless, too aggressive and egoistic. And we are not able to be larger than our short and limited lives.
But today, at this precious second I love everything and everyone forever